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Name     Jan


VID     123457

Date of Flight     01.04.2006

Departure Airport (ICAO)     EPWA

Arrival Airport (ICAO)     EPKK

Alternate Airport (ICAO)     EPKT

Flight Number     -

Aircraft     BA11

Fuel Used (kg)     2000

Route     DEDOL W742 JED

Flight Level     220

Departure Runway     15

Arriival Runway     25

Approach Type     ILS

Startup Time (UTC)     10.00

Takeoff Time (UTC)     10.15

Landing Time (UTC)     11.20

Shutdown Time (UTC)     11.30

Flight Time (not block)     1h 05min

Delay     0min

No. of passengers     40

Cargo or luggage(kg.)     1000kg



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